This was my my first ever visit to this site and my second dive of the year on a very chilly but calm day back in January. We followed another of the dive guides over on the Finstrokes website which was typically spot on with all the details. We came across one solitary Dogfish shortly after setting off and I snapped a pic of it just in case it turned out to be the only one we saw. Ten minutes later and we were literally finding piles of them! Continue reading “Dogfish Reef, Loch Fyne – January 2013”
Stallion Rock and Eilean Glas, Loch Fyne – April 2013
Some pics from a couple of great dives in Loch Fyne back in April aboard the excellent Fyne Pioneer.

More wordage to follow….. Continue reading “Stallion Rock and Eilean Glas, Loch Fyne – April 2013”
Loch Fyne – November 2012
A weekend of diving aboard The Fyne Pioneer with skipper Simon Exley at the end of November provided some chilly but thoroughly enjoyable dives at sites including Stallion Rock, Minard Islands and ‘Big Rock’. Continue reading “Loch Fyne – November 2012”