We returned to Loch Carron at the end of June to dive Conservation Bay again. You can read more about our previous visit as well as where it is etc. by clicking here. We also dived Inverinate the same weekend which is the subject of another earlier post.
Having sussed out the best time to dive here we were able to relax a bit more than last time and enjoy this stunning site. We headed a good bit further along the wall to where it starts to peter out until meeting the sea bed and disappearing completely.
Continue reading “Back to Conservation Bay, Loch Carron – June 2013”
Conservation Bay, Loch Carron – June 2013

When you read rave reviews about dive sites you always take them with a pinch of salt. One reason is that there are as many different opinions of what constitutes a good dive as there are divers. With this in mind and having done a fair amount of research it was time to dive Conservation Bay and form my own opinion!
Conservation Bay is situated along the north shore of the Strome Narrows near the mouth of Loch Carron. It is just to the west of the very picturesque North Strome, itself the site of a couple of shore dives which I have yet to explore. Continue reading “Conservation Bay, Loch Carron – June 2013”
Loch Fyne – November 2012
A weekend of diving aboard The Fyne Pioneer with skipper Simon Exley at the end of November provided some chilly but thoroughly enjoyable dives at sites including Stallion Rock, Minard Islands and ‘Big Rock’. Continue reading “Loch Fyne – November 2012”